Friday, April 4, 2014

Menu Plan, April 6 - 12

     We had a very busy weekend last week and I am hoping, praying, and crossing my fingers that this weekend is calm.  This whole week has been nonstop pandemonium and I need to call a time-out!  I miss my husband and spending time together.  As I stated in my last menu plan post, we had to go out of town unexpectedly during the last weekend of Spring Break.  My grandparent’s house sold much quicker than anticipated, and this was the best weekend (after coordinating 5 different schedules) to move.  We said good-bye to a very special house and it is a place I will never forget.  My Mama Jean and Grandaddy Ed are both in heaven now, so it was time, but the moments that were created in this old house are engrained in my memory forever.  Mama Jean and Grandaddy Ed were the best grandparents any child could every dream up, and it is an honor to be their granddaughter. 

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     On Sunday, my parents hauled back an entire moving truck packed full of furniture and boxes.  We also used J.T.’s truck to get any remaining items that couldn’t fit in the big truck.  The majority of things are going to stay at my parent’s house, but I ended up getting three pieces of furniture.  Most of the furniture is very old and needs some sprucing up.  J.T. and I are looking forward to having these various spring/summer projects.  We added to our apartment a large kitchen hutch that my grandfather built, a wide chest of drawers that dates back to when my grandfather was a child, and a small table/cabinet that was built by my grandfather.  On top of receiving the furniture, I brought back two large mirrors, several wooden picture frames to be repainted, and tiny odds and ends to go in the kitchen.  Now, if I could only find the time to paint/refinish the furniture and reorganize/rearrange our apartment! 

  • Strata Muffins
  • Vegetable Rice Pilaf
  • Hummus Sandwiches
  • Sweet Potato Fries

  • Leftovers
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