Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life Update

     Gosh, I don’t even know where to begin.  So much has changed (for the better!) since I last blogged and I am long overdue for an update.  Although no one may even read my blog (besides my Mama), I love to look back and see where I was at a certain point in life.  This blog holds the memories that seem to vanish quickly as I go about my day to day activities.  Four significant changes have taken place since May and I couldn’t be more grateful for all that has happened.  

  1. We have ZERO student loan debt!  When J.T. and I got married in 2012, he had accumulated around $80,000 worth of student loan debt.  This debt was mainly a snowball of accumulated interest on loans that were taken out to pay for his Bachelors, Masters, Education Specialist, and Doctorate.  We knew we wanted to attack the loans aggressively but didn’t get serious until May of 2013.  I sat down and devised a payment plan that allowed us to knock out $57,536.63 in 12 months.  Every Friday, we made loan payments, beginning with the loans holding the largest interest rate.  To say we have been living on a budget would be an understatement!  I literally tracked every penny that was spent (and still do).  We didn’t take trips, go out to eat, or spend money on anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary for survival.  I have learned more about money and budgeting in the last year than most people do in a lifetime.  The days of freezing in the winter, burning up in the summer, “Meatless” Monday 5 days a week, and quick showers are behind us, but I will never forget this experience.  To celebrate, J.T. and I went shopping to buy some items that were beyond needed - clothes, shoes, socks, underwear (ha!).  This debt was not paid off by our hard work alone, but rather by God’s constant financial blessings over our life.  Some month’s we didn’t think we would make our goal, and time and time again extra money showed up.  We are now saving for a house and couldn’t be more thrilled!  
  2. I got a new job!  I am still working for the same organization but have transferred to a different department and higher position.  Even applying for a different job was a difficult decision for me to make.  One of my best friend’s works in my old office and I miss seeing her daily.  Luckily, we have been able to talk on the phone a couple of times a week to catch up.  
  3. J.T. started his administration certificate.  Yes, you read that right.  After paying off a ton of student loan debt, he started back to school again.  The administration degree will allow him to become a principal, school board employee or even superintendent if he chooses.  This degree is something he has contemplated for quite some time and we are finally financially able.  He started this fall and will finish this summer.  While neither one of us are crazy about his week night classes or monthly Saturday class, it is worth the sacrifice.  Since I work at the school, he gets half price tuition and we are paying as it comes due - no loans or pulling money from savings.  The finished degree will result in a raise that will pay for the degree itself in a year.  Here’s to degree number 5!
  4. We have gone paleo.  As much as I fought this current diet trend, I finally caved after shear desperation.  A few years ago, I started itching - no rash, no dry skin, and no doctor had a clue.  It got to the point where it was wreaking havoc on my daily life.  I was having difficulty showering or even wearing certain clothes without being miserable or in tears.  My brother’s mother-in-law is a doctor who is knowledgeable in holistic medicine.  Through her guidance, I have been placed on a paleo diet along with numerous supplements for nutritional deficiencies.  The nutritional deficiencies were confirmed via blood test at my last checkup.  As much as I hate to admit it, the paleo diet is working for me.  Many of you know I was gluten, dairy, and soy free before beginning the paleo diet, and restricting foods even more seemed daunting.  At the beginning of June I started an elimination diet which restricted grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs, certain vegetables & fruits, and sugar.  I am surviving!  The first 30 days were a terrible struggle.  In June I itched for 23 days out of 30.  In July, I itched for 15 days out of 31.  In August, I have itched for 9 days out of the 28 that have occurred.  An unhealthy gut is the root of all sickness and I have embarked on a journey out of desperation to heal mine.  As much as I didn’t want to jump on the paleo band wagon, the diet plus supplementation has helped me tremendously.  I have struggled with health problems for years - hypothyroidism, secondary amenorrhea, IBS - and chronic itching was the final straw.  This new way of eating is expensive but if I don’t have my health, I have nothing.  My $60 grocery budget has flown out the window and I am slowly learning how to cook without grains.  I would love to one day eat a bowl of oatmeal, but if that comes at the cost of itching daily, I will remain grain free forever.  Time will tell.  
That’s enough changes for one day.  I hope you enjoyed a brief 3 month recap of our lives!

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